Robert Jackson, (NYC City Council member & Chairman on Education) “The Entertainers 4 Education Alliance is tackling one of our City's most significant civic crises – the high school drop-out rate. By empowering young people through innovative programs, E4EA is helping to make a greater New York City for all of us to enjoy.”

Ebony McCall-Brown (Parent) “I attended the Entertainers 4 Education Alliance In Theatre Event with Lloyd with my daughter and her school. I was so amazed and inspired by the message the next day I contacted them, now I am an E4EA volunteer.”

Russell Simmons (Music & Fashion Mogul) “It was a pleasure being a part of the Entertainers 4 Education Alliance event; they are doing very necessary and needed work in the community. I will show up whenever I’m needed.”

Migulina Osorio (student) “I am very honored and privileged to have attended the Swizz Beats panel. I learned that school is very important and that I should pursue my education to become successful in life. Swizz Beats related to my life my experiences too; I now understand that you can get light even if you’re under a rock.

David Adekoya (student) “Words cannot explain how I felt on the day I went to and Entertainers 4 Education Alliance Event. It brings joy to my heart to know that the people I look up to took time to come and talk to us. I hope that events like this will continue to happen because it touches the youth in many ways and I appreciate that.”

Omarion (Multi-media Superstar) “We are blessed to be able to give back and the Entertainers 4 Education Alliance Organization is the perfect way to do that”.

Mrs. Emily Zurkovitch (9th Grade Teacher) “Entertainers 4 Education Alliance is a wonderful organization, that have the hook that we educators need to encourage and reward our student for working hard.”

Alberto M. Garcia (Assistant Principal Acorn HS for Social Justice) The Entertainers 4 Education Alliance concert was outstanding. There is still a buzz in the air at ACORN high school. The students can't stop talking about it. The event was well organized, all of the students were treated well and left with great merchandise but most of all the message about the importance of education was exceptional.