1.2 Million Students Drop Out of School Each Year Nation Wide!

America is in an educational crisis. Did you know that 4 out of every 10 high school students don't graduate from high schools nationally? Nation-wide, approximately 7,000 students drop out of school every day. That’s 1.2 million students each year.

If we don't do something to correct the problem and fix the broken education system for the students of today and tomorrow, America may never recover. * Experts say that dropping out of high school affects not just students and their families, but the country overall – including businesses, government, and communities. The Alliance for Excellent Education estimates that high school dropouts from the Class of 2006-07 will cost the U.S. more than $329 billion in lost wages, taxes, and productivity over the course of their lifetimes. Experts say that those who drop out are more likely to be incarcerated, rely on public programs and social services, and go without health insurance than those who graduate from high school. (*AmericasPromise.org)

* Did you know that without a high school diploma young people are less likely to succeed in the workforce?

* Did you also know that each year, our nation loses $319 billion in potential earnings associated with the dropout crisis?

We have a lot of work to do! Everyone has to get involved. Entertainers 4 Education Alliance is making a difference in the lives of many at risk youth by spreading powerful messages about the importance of education, personal advancement, and social commitment, through our empowerment workshops, after school programs, events, outreaches, and public service announcements.